About Our Church

     Our church is just  a simple building that's built to honor God, and where we meet to praise and worship Him.
     Here at GMC we don't have world famous preacher clad in crested flowing robes, who only speak of riches and prosperity,
     But only a humble man of God who tell how Jesus died one day out on Calvary to pay for all our sins, and set us free.
     As we lift our voices and we sing of Jesus' love, which find the help to conquer our doubt and fear.

     Our church is where we gather as a family to hear the Word of God, and we are always blessed because we came.
     Not to mention our great fellowship and sweet communion that we might bring honor to His Name.
     Here at our church we are sinners saved by grace and washed in Jesus' blood, who try to be Christ like on a daily basis. So every one who has a need is welcome in our midst. We pray that you will come to know Him too.

For we are; "The church where everbody is somebody and Christ is all !!!"

Our Prayer: Dear Lord, please bless our church today, and as we gather here, Help us to be responsive to the Spirit's still, small voice, And may the way of Godliness be always our first choice.
     Equip us with Your armor for the battles that we fight, And give us strength and courage as we walk the path of light.
     Increase our understanding of the Scripture that we read, And help us not grow weary as we scatter precious seed.
     We pray our church will always be a beacon to all men,Proclaiming truth and righteousness till Jesus comes again.